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"Being a Project Manager is like being an artist, you have the different colored process streams combining into a work of art”"
- Greg Cimmarrusti

Words Language Solutions - Project Management

Our Project Management Methodology

We comply with PMP techniques, along with agile practices. That adds effectiveness to our workflow and leaves no room for surprise or errors. 


Analyze the project scope. That includes content type, volumes, files format, language pairs, budget, and specifications.


Recruit, select and allocate the specialized talents to carry out the project execution.


Preparing the project's budget, ensuring cost control. Ensuring that the project is executed according to the planned budget and customer's expectations.


Outline the full-scale workflow. That includes human resources, timeline, budget, and quality measures.


Organize communication flow among the team members across the stages of the project to ensure maximum performance.


Setting up Quality Control and Quality Assurance measures Utilizing human and technical assets to attend and fix bugs or quality issues.

Our Nimdzi Loc IQ Project Management Score

Nimdzi Loc IQ - Project Management

London, United Kingdom

73 Shelton Street, Covent Garden

P. +44 204 542 9878

Giza, Egypt

Elmehwar Markazy, Saray Mall, Sheikh Zayed

P. +20 2 38501178

Tokyo, Japan

5F Otamachi Financial Center, Grand Cube

P. +81 809 484 3502

Selangor, Malaysia

L14 Dpulze Lingkaran Cyber Point

P. +603 732 082 99


  • Middle East Languages

  • African Languages

  • Central Asian Languages

  • South East Asian Languages

  • Japanese

Group Email: partners at

Project Management: projects at

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